
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Some Drawings From Last Semester

Here are a few drawings that I made last semester

I think one of the most vital things that I learned about in drawing II was the process of thumb nailing ideas and creating color and value roughs before approaching the final composition. This process makes a lot of sense to me personally and helps me stay more focused then if I was approaching a piece from a more freeform approach. I think drawing II was a great opportunity for me to work at improving my abilities with perspective, composition, color, and idea generation, and I'm determined to continue developing my skills in those areas.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Game Trailer Analysis

Here is a series of game trailers that I personally enjoy: Dishonored - The Tales from Dunwall

     The interesting thing to me about these trailers is how they serve the purpose of exclusively showcasing the story and mood of the game without offering any information about the game play. Many would argue that the purpose of a game trailer is to show at least in someway how the game will be played. However, I personally think that these trailers are strengthened by the choice of not including any game play. In doing this, the creators of this trailer could more effectively create an animation that represents what the game is intended to feel like. The choice in making the visual style of these shorts so different from that in the actual game also allowed the creators to add their own unique interpretations as to what it feels like to experience the world of Dishonored.
    I think that the essential purpose of a game trailer should be to communicate to its audience the compelling experience that a game can offer. This experience can be communicated by showcasing the game play and story. I don't think that both of these elements must be shown in a trailer so long as it succeeds at enticing its viewers with evidence of an engaging experience. In limiting the scope of the information presented I think these trailers very effectively achieve their intended purpose of conveying to the viewers that the world of Dishonored has a very rich history and troubling conflicts that the player will explore through his or her own experience of the game.