
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Board Game Theme

  I think that I will go with my bonsai game idea. With this decision, I've now began to think about the theme that will unify the board game. Here is my concept statement:

   "Every moment is a new beginning."

 My reason for this concept statement is based on the transitory nature of my game idea. In the game, the bonsai tree will grow randomly, meaning that the player's route to the top of the tree will need to constantly be adjusted. I would like for this interaction to bring the players into a state of flow in which they focus their attention entirely towards the game. Through this flow state, I hope for players to experience something like the Buddhist concept of mindfulness, an alert awareness of the true nature of things in the present moment. In essence, the game is based around Zen Buddhist, ideas and aesthetics.   

Theme Research

  I found this great article by Ian Bogost that lists many examples of video games that have tried something similar to what I want to attempt and in what ways they succeed and fall short (

 One game listed is That Game Company's flOw. I haven't played this game, but it seems that the visual and audio sensations that the game creates overstimulate that player, detracting from the intended experience. I think that their later game, Journey, very successfully balances visuals, audio, and gameplay to create a sense of presence in the player, particularly towards the end.

 Solitaire in many ways succeeds in creating a sense of presence through the responsiveness of its interface. Solitaire players do not need to concern themselves with shuffling and cards very easily snap into place when moved. This allows players to devote all of their attention to the task at hand.

 Will Wright compared his game Sim City to gardening. Having played these games before, I can understand the metaphor. In Sim City, the player is essentially in charge of setting up the right conditions for desired buildings to appear. In this way, the player doesn't have direct control over what will appear, allowing for lots of surprises that make the game compelling.

 The game Animal Crossing is fairly successful at pulling its player's attentions into the game world. The compressed depiction of time and variety of mundane, yet engaging activities (pulling weeds, decorating, planting flowers) help to pull the player into the present moment.

 Ian Bogost's game Guru Mediation (, has players balance perfectly still on the Amiga joyboard. The longer the player balances, the higher the onscreen yogi levitates in the air. This game does a very good job at implementing its Zen theme at every level, from the custom packaging to the core game play mechanic, to its simplified visual design and floating yogi.  

Aside from video games, I would like to pull much influence from tabletop Zen gardens, such as this one:

  This particular Zen garden definitely integrates its theme through the earthy colors and traditionally inspired artwork on its packaging as well as the miniature rocks and rakes that look just like the ones used in big Zen gardens.

 Something that I really like about the miniature Zen garden is how its fun to use as a toy, and I would really like to make the bonsai tree in my board game similarly fun to grow.

  I would like the aesthetics of the board game to be based largely around nature and the simplified design found in Zen Japanese artwork, including woodcut prints, calligraphy, gardens, and woodworking.
This packaging has very soothing and earthy colors

This appealing bell-holder was very simply put together through traditional Japanese joinery
This altar was also designed with storage in mind. The idea of one thing serving multiple functions would fit well with my theme 

 A central idea behind Zen art theory is the idea of capturing the essence of something, rather than accurately depicting it. I would like to follow this general idea while creating the game.

Color Schemes

I would like the game to utilize a majority of neutral earth tones with a small usage of more saturated colors to draw the eye. I think there would be a majority of warms over cools. Here's a few ideas that I pulled from color scheme designer:

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