
Monday, February 13, 2023

Week 3: Bark and Tree Trunk

    This week I started on the bark and tree trunk. For the bark, I used Substance Designer to mix some small chunks and gradually build up a layered bark effect. I think it's kind of getting there, but I feel like the crevices between the bark chunks may need more definition.

    To create the initial layers, I made 4 different bark chunk shapes and arranged them on 3 different tile samplers which I combined together. After making that initial height map, I varied up the shapes with warp and slope blur nodes.

    After making the bark, I applied it to my tree trunk in SpeedTree. The branch shapes will most likely need more edits, but I will probably get more ideas on what to change once I add the canopy.

    Other than that, I also made Spanish moss and added it to some of the branches. I had a lot of trouble placing them, so I'm still looking for a good way to hang them quickly and believably. To generate the textures, I learned how to use FiberMesh in ZBrush. Once I had the high poly, I simply baked them onto a low poly plane and used the maps to generate a base color in Substance Designer. Eventually I want to pack a few more variations into the atlas. For now though, I just kept it to 4 pieces so I could test them out in SpeedTree.

FiberMesh Process

Final High Poly

Final Textures

That's all for now! Next I'm going to start on the canopy and rework the trunk, bark, and Spanish moss as necessary.

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