
Monday, April 21, 2014

Maya Python Script Ideas

Here are some ideas for python scripts I have:
1. A script that takes a chosen uv set and copies it into a new uv set and automatically prescales and lays out the uvs. I think this could help save a lot of time in generating lightmaps.
2. A script that automatically orients the normals of a selection to the z axis and creates a 0 to 1 gradient of red vertex color from the bottom to top of the object. This would be useful in setting up grass models to be used with a wind shader.
3. A script that automatically weights an entire model to 1 for the root joint and sets the entire model to 0 for all of the other joints. This would be helpful in setting up a model for rigging.
4. A script that gives a dialogue that allows one to align the pivot to any side of the model with a single button click. This would be useful for setting up modular assets.
5. A script that automatically adjusts the orientation of a model for either y-up or z-up.
6. A script that automatically sets the translation and rotation on an object back to 0, and any scaling back to 1.
7. A script that takes any number of selected objects and randomly distributes them along a curve.
8. A script that automatically creates joints and weights them for cloth based on a vertex selection of the cloth area.
9. A script that removes all unused materials in a scene.
10. A script that automatically creates and aligns reference planes in each viewport.

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