
Saturday, December 5, 2020

Foliage Progress

        I've been working on the goldenrod flower asset recently. I think I have something that will work fairly well for now. In the future, I may want to add some more variation to the textures. I'm going to keep it like this for now so I can continue on other parts of the level.


        To make the textures, I ended up making a generator for the leaves in Substance Designer. Hopefully I can reuse it on other foliage in the future too.

Leaf materials generated in Substance Designer.

Leaf generator graph.

        For the flowers, I created two high poly models that I baked to clusters along with the leaves in SpeedTree.

High poly flowers.

Clusters generated in SpeedTree.

        I also tested it out in the level.


        I think it helps draw some more attention to the badger burrow. Currently, I think it would help to have at least one more plant type to break up the repetition of the grass meshes. Before I do that, I'm going to work on the lighting some more. The shadows seem a bit too dark right now. I found a couple of reference images to follow.

"In countless numbers" by sagesolar CC BY 2.0

"Moon Rising Over Moss Lake" by John Brighenti CC BY 2.0

        I want to generally get the look of a clear night sky with lots of stars. Hopefully I can find a reasonable balance between the dark night lighting and a certain amount of ambient light so you can still see things.

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